Leg skin conditions: symptoms, causes and treatment
The legs are a fundamental part of the body: they provide the mobility and balance for our body’s entire physical structure. As the lower limbs are constantly in motion, the skin of the legs is very elastic, but can be affected by dryness or other skin conditions. Unlike the lower parts of the leg, the skin around the groin area is more delicate and is often moist, which can lead to rubbing, redness and lesions.
Dry skin of the legs is an increasingly common problem. Difficulty in blood circulation to the legs can be one of the key causes of dry skin in this area due to, in part, its distance from the heart.
Ingrown hairs are hairs that, instead of escaping from the skin’s surface, bend and become trapped under the stratum corneum during regrowth. The trapped hair continues to grow under the skin, often causing a small pustule and inflammation of the follicle, or in more serious cases, folliculitis.
Any kind of hair removal of the legs – whether by razor, by waxing, by depilatory cream, or by laser – inevitably causes skin irritation. Hair removal irritation can provoke reactions such as itching or burning.
Xerosis is an extreme case of dry skin, which causes the cells of the stratum corneum to dry out, peel and scale. This results in the accumulation of loose keratin scales of varying sizes and textures.
Groin eczema (also known as inguinal dermatitis or groin dermatitis)is a bacterial infection of the groin that causes redness and irritation of the skin. It is often confused for other skin fold conditions, such as mycotic intertrigo, which unlike inguinal dermatitis, is caused by dermatophytes or candida.
Tinea cruris (also known as groin mycosis or ‘jock itch’) is one of the most frequent forms of mycosis. It primarily affects men and causes redness that starts in the groin crease, before usually spreading to the inner thigh.
The groin fold is prone to flares of redness and irritation, which occur due to the maceration (chafing) of the stratum corneum. Chafing can be caused by excessive sweating from hot humid environments and/or an overgrowth of bacteria.