What makes lips peel?

Wind, excessively high temperatures, long exposure to the sun or the cold of winter and the dry air of air-conditioned environments are very harmful to the thin skin of the lips, which tend to become dry and chapped.
Then, there are some individuals who suffer from dry and damaged lips regardless of the season; these individuals are prone to frequently develop cracked lips and even fissures or actual cuts which bleed.

What causes chapped lips?

Dry, chapped lips are a very common phenomenon and the scientific cause lies in a poor hydration. This usually happens as a result of various factors:

  • Environmental and atmospheric factors;
  • Behavioural factors;
  • Pathological factors

What causes chapped lips?

In addition to cracking and dryness, this phenomenon can cause several annoying symptoms. Among the most common are:

  • burning and redness
  • swelling
  • split lips
  • cuts

What can be done about chapped lips?

To make the lips soft and smooth and to prevent cracking,, we use what are called Self-Hydrating Ointments; these make use of the water present in the lips by retaining it for a long time, i.e. preventing it from evaporating.

  • LipLap is a remedy specifically designed to combat dry lips and to prevent or treat chapped lips and micro-cuts. It contains no Vaseline, preservatives, dyes or perfumes.

Lip balms or glosses are mainly composed of vegetable fats or vaseline and paraffin. Both of these products have a covering and antiperspirant action and, with prolonged use, create a state of continuous irritation of the lips The affected person develops the need to use the lip balm or gloss continuously, to such an extent that, like a vicious circle, their deterioration becomes chronic.



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