What are wounds?
Wounds are lesions of the stratum corneum and can be superficial (abrasions and grazes), or deep (e.g. cuts). Bleeding may accompany wounds depending on their severity. They can be caused accidentally by trauma or deliberately during surgical interventions and are differentiated into superficial, such as abrasions and abrasions, or deeper, such as cuts.
The most frequent injuries of all are those that occur at home or at work when handling sharp or pointed objects.
How to treat wounds
Following an injury that causes a wound:
- wash the wound well
- allow bleeding to occur
Wounds tend to repair themselves over time but to promote healing and prevent infection, they should be dressed.
A help for damaged skin
- Apply cotton gauze soaked in PEG Balm.
The gauze protects against the external environment while PEG Balm is able to absorb excess moisture and create a skin environment favourable to physiological regrowth. To keep the gauze firmly in place, an elastic tubular net, which allows the skin to breathe, is ideal.

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