Lip Lap labbra

What makes lips peel?

Il vento, le temperature troppo calde, le lunghe esposizioni al sole o al freddo dell’inverno e l’aria secca degli ambienti climatizzati possono causare un forte stress alla sottile pelle delle labbra, che tendono così a diventare secche e screpolate.
Ci sono poi persone che hanno sempre labbra secche e rovinate, indipendentemente dalla stagione, e che tendono a sviluppare frequentemente labbra screpolate e persino fessure o veri e propri tagli con sanguinamento.

What causes chapped lips?

Dry, chapped lips are a very common phenomenon and the scientific cause lies in a poor hydration. This usually happens as a result of various factors:

  • Environmental and atmospheric factors;
  • Behavioural factors;
  • Pathological factors

What causes chapped lips?

In addition to cracking and dryness, this phenomenon can cause several annoying symptoms. Among the most common are:

  • burning and redness
  • swelling
  • split lips
  • cuts

What can be done about chapped lips?

To make the lips soft and smooth and to prevent cracking,, we use what are called Self-Hydrating Ointments; these make use of the water present in the lips by retaining it for a long time, i.e. preventing it from evaporating.

  • LipLap is a remedy specifically designed to combat dry lips and to prevent or treat chapped lips and micro-cuts. It contains no Vaseline, preservatives, dyes or perfumes.

To be avoided

Lip balms or glosses are mainly composed of vegetable fats or vaseline and paraffin. Both of these products have a covering and antiperspirant action and, with prolonged use, create a state of continuous irritation of the lips The affected person develops the need to use the lip balm or gloss continuously, to such an extent that, like a vicious circle, their deterioration becomes chronic.

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