follicolite barba

What is folliculitis?

Folliculitis is the inflammation of the hair follicle. If neglected, folliculitis causes infection, which can lead to further skin disorders and, in serious cases, can trigger furunculosis. Folliculitis often affects people who shave, as it is a key factor in hair follicle degeneration.

What does folliculitis look like?

The first signs of folliculitis are swelling and redness in the affected area. Small yellow pustules may also form in some follicles.
Folliculitis occurs more frequently in those who use a manual razor than in those who use an electric one.

How to treat folliculitis

Apply 2S Cream in the morning and evening until symptoms disappear. Avoid shaving until symptoms disappear to avoid further inflammation.

How to prevent folliculitis

Replace traditional shaving foam with the delicate, emollient Eudermic Cleansing Base. Eudermic Cleansing Base makes hair softer, which allows the blade to slide easily removing friction between the razor and the skin, and reducing the likelihood of irritation.
Wet the face with lukewarm water and massage Eudermic Cleansing Base into the area to shave until the hair softens.

After shaving, rinse thoroughly, dry and apply Astringent Gel by massage over the entire freshly shaved area.

Electric razors: massage 2S Cream into the area to shave the evening before. In the morning and after shaving, apply Astringent Gel.

What is razor burn?

Skin irritation after shaving causes redness, dryness, itching and burning. These symptoms usually disappear immediately after shaving, but can linger and cause unpleasant skin rashes in those with sensitive or delicate skin.

What are the causes of razor burn?

One of the main causes is dry shaving. During dry shaving, the skin is exposed to a stressful situation, which increases the risk of irritation and abrasions.
Another cause of razor burn is shaving too quickly, or not letting the hair soften beforehand. Not letting the hair soften ahead of shaving often means more pressure is put on the razor as it touches the skin.

How to treat razor burn

Immediately after shaving, apply a small amount of Lenitive Cream and massage into the affected area until completely absorbed.

How to prevent razor burn for sensitive skin

For those with delicate skin, the suggestion is to use the more gentle Eudermic Cleansing Base instead of the traditional shaving foam. In this case, you wet your face with water, preferably lukewarm, and massage the beard area for a long time until the hairs soften. This product makes the hairs softer and makes the blade glide better, reducing friction and thus skin irritation from shaving.

After shaving, it is important to rinse and dry the face well.

Then apply Astringent Gel by massaging over the entire freshly shaved area.

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