Contact dermatitis with water
Water contact dermatitis is dermatitis that occurs in areas that are in constant contact with water or humidity. It usually forms on the hands in those who wash their hands frequently or in those who are in contact with water for work.
Water contact dermatitis presents with dry and rough skin, redness, cracks or fissures. These symptoms are usually accompanied by itching, difficulty moving the affected area and decreased tactile sensitivity.
Water, and even more so detergents, subtract the hydration factors of the stratum corneum to determine a real dermatitis.
How do you treat water contact dermatitis?
To repair water damage:
- Minimize contact with water by using protective gloves.
- As an aid to restoring the skin’s barrier function, apply Emollient Ointment Extreme in the morning and evening.
If, in addition to dryness, redness, itching and fissures are present, it is recommended to normalise the skin:
- In the evening Dermictiol Cream. The ichthyol sulphonate in the formula has an anti-itching action.
- In the morning, apply a small amount of Extreme Emollient Ointment to the affected area(s) and massage well.
Contact dermatitis caused by detergents and cleaners
Contact dermatitis caused by detergents and cleaners appears in a similar way to water dermatitis. It can particularly affect individuals working in the hygiene and cleaning industries. Some industrial and even household cleaners contain enzymes that digest proteins, which also attack and digest human skin. Repeated contact with such products without the necessary protection can cause the stratum corneum to detach, sometimes can causing painful fissures.
How to treat contact dermatitis caused by detergents and cleaners
Contact with water should be avoided until the fissures have healed and the stratum corneum has reconstituted.
- To soothe redness and promote normal skin regrowth, it is recommended to apply Dermictiol Cream in the evening.
- To protect the skin throughout the day, the application of Extreme Emollient Ointment is recommended.

For hand washing, use Eudermic Cleansing Base.

Once the repair and regression of detergent contact dermatitis has been achieved, it is necessary to continue to protect the hands from contact with detergent through the use of gloves and to apply Emollient Ointment Extreme frequently.